Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ahhh ... Pareeeee (Paris!)

As they say, "a pictures worth a thousand words." Well, in our 5 days in Paris I took about 400 photos - so even in my math deficient brain that calculates to 400,000 words. I'm sure no one wants to hear that much in a post so I'll start with some of my favorite photos and see where my words end up taking us ...
5 Rue Daubenton - Latin Quarter
Home Away from Home





Lily and Ali - Melanie's niece. Instant BFFs

Fancy Pants showing off her attitude AND hat!
This is what two six year olds look like after a long visit to  the Louvre





Thursday, June 21, 2012

Falling in love with Europe

Okay, I admit it, when Lily and I boarded the flight May 31st I had MAJOR reservations about making this move. Living without Chris and so many unknowns can do that to a girl. But I have to say, without reservation that the last three weeks have been amazing. Don't get me wrong, we're still dealing with all the same unknowns as before, but being together to face them makes all the difference in the world. Living in essentially a one room apartment with a fraction of our "stuff" is taking some getting used to. For instance I made a pie crust today - sans measure utensils, a pie tin or a rolling pin. Thankfully, Grandma Garbig's recipe is hardwired into my brain and improvising with a water glass for measuring, a square baking dish rather than a round tin and an empty bottle of apple juice for a rolling pin led to the strawberry rhubarb pie being a complete success. So basically, it all boils down to realizing what you have is what you NEED, just think outside the box you've become comfortable in!

Anyone who knows me, know I'm not one to sit at home and mope (sit at home and play on the computer is a completely different "kettle of fish" - a new favorite saying.) So, while Daddy's at work, Lily and I have been out and about exploring and making friends. It's interesting that we actually haven't met any true Danes (I'm not yet sure how you make those connections) but the expats we've befriended are fantastic. 

We were fortunate to be invited for an afternoon play date with a lovely family of three girls (aged 9, 5 1/2 and 3 1/2.) By the time we left the girls were swapping stories about their various Hello Kitty dolls and planning a sleep over. Oddly, I didn't take a single photo - I was having too much fun chatting the afternoon away with the girls lovely mother.

Yesterday we met up with the crew we met at the Marionette show. I already love these women. It was easy to see through all of our expressions and welcoming exchanges that we were excited to be back together and feel a connection in this new place. We shared coffees and cupcakes and laughs at a little cafe and then let the girls run, climb, jump and play at a fun little park by the harbor. By the end of our time together the girls were are filthy dirty and exhausted and we were rejuvenated by sharing good conversations, happy news, and updates on all the big and little things we're encountering each day. WOW! So ... blessed.

Last night Lily and I invited ourselves to one of my fellow Marionette show mom's home to make dinner. Her grocery order was being delivered at 5P (ah ... the joys of life in the city without a car and access to Internet shopping) and I was dying to cook in real kitchen. It was a heavenly evening. Again, great conversation, good wine and the meal was actually pretty edible. Just get a load of these little chefs and you can tell a good time was had by all!

Oh and I haven't even touched on the fact we went to Paris last weekend ... I'll save that for a separate post. Suffice it to say the City of Lights was amazing and I'm hoping you'll enjoy the sites and use your imagine to smell and tastes the photos highlight.

No question about it, I'm falling in love.